The Entire Family of Francis Scott Key Fought for the Confederacy

Of course, Francis Scott Key is famous for having written The Star-Spangled Banner, which is the National Anthem of the United States of America.

The following image is from DigitalNC, an archive of Newspapers maintained by the State of North Carolina's Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. 

This article is from The Raleigh Register, from page 2 of the issue which was published on Wednesday, November 13th, 1861.

We will include links to the available pages below. 

The Reagan Sacred Cow


By Gregory Kay

(Originally published about 20 years ago: Updated version, 2023)


Sometimes – well, to be honest, usually – it’s the best-intentioned people that really set me off. Inevitably, I suppose, since I’ve little patience with Orwellian double-think, less for those practicing it, and none for the ones who should know better: namely White Nationalists, Southerners among us in particular, who worship Ronald Reagan as… as one of them referred to him… “a Godsend.” I’ve got news for these folks; God sends a lot of things, including plague, flood, fire…and tyranny.

Gregory Kay
See Greg's author's page at

Reagan was a likable guy, no question about it: classy, charismatic, usually doing his lines with great aplomb. However, that goes with the territory of a trained, career showman. Remember, an actor is one who makes a living playing convincing parts as a thing he’s not. Around here we call that a BS artist (usually a hawker making some sales pitch), and no doubt Ronald Wilson Reagan was good at it. Not only did he play his part as “a conservative,” but, despite creeping Alzheimer’s, recited the lines his handlers gave him very well. People tend to forget that he was neither a conservative nor writing the script.

For those of you frothing at the mouth right now because you liked the things he said, let’s step back and take a look at what he and that administration actually did – before, during, and after his tenure as President of the United States...

Bolshevism is Alive and Well in Georgia


We were not planning on attending the scheduled Rock Stone Mountain II demonstrations, that were cancelled due to poor planning, poor timing, and primarily because the local authorities refused to issue a permit. Not having a permit, groups and individuals hoping to participate in the rally in favor of preserving Georgia State history chose to comply with the law and stayed away.

But leftist and openly Communist Antifa groups can evidently get away with flaunting Georgia laws openly, without consequences or repercussions from authorities. In fact, they even seem to have been accomodated by the authorities.

The following message is from Dr. Michael Hill, President of the League of the South:

If you are concerned about Communists being able to flaunt the law, march armed in the streets, and shut down Stone Mountain Park this weekend, you can voice your displeasure at the following:

Mayor Wheeler (770) 498-8984

Police Chief Troutman (770) 879-4980

Isn't it curious that the elite media will make such a big deal out of a torch light parade in Charlottesville (in which, to my knowledge, there were no weapons being openly carried) and then ignore a band of openly-armed Communists marching at Stone Mountain? Double standard and hypocrisy? You bet! The media despise the former and love the latter.

Learn who hates you, White man!

The Black Dilemma

This article was written and distributed on the Internet under the name of Ian Duncan, a reporter for The Baltimore Sun, and assigned a date of May 30, 2015. It may have actually been written by Anthony Bryan, a contributor to American Renaissance, as reported in an article at From the text itself, it seems to have been written some time after the Ferguson riots of August 2014, and before those in Baltimore in April, 2015 – but perhaps since as a prank it was attributed it to The Baltimore Sun, the failure to mention the riots in Baltimore around that same time was purposeful.

Regardless of its provenance, however, the article itself is true and succinct, it was apparently written by a Southern Nationalist, and at the same time it was used to effectively troll both the Left and the cucked imaginary Right.

While at Christogenea we do not really believe that non-Whites are even people, nor do we believe that non-Whites of any origin should be admitted as citizens in any State in this incorrigible Union, the points made in the article are nevertheless true.

[There is also a lengthy discussion of this article at Google Groups.]

Here we have made a few minor spelling corrections.


The “Great Experiment” has been nothing but the GREAT FAILURE.

For almost 150 years the United States has been conducting an interesting experiment. The subjects of the experiment: black people and working-class whites.

Sons of Cuckfederate Veterans Embrace Sodomy

Update, April 16th, 2022: Today I found that Michael Skinner is no longer listed as an officer at the South Carolina SCV website, nor is there any mention of his name on the site. This article will remain, just in case Skinner surfaces again in the future.

The more we hear from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the less we like them. They cuck for CNN, they cuck for a poorly defined sort of civic nationalism, which is not nationalism at all,  they cuck for Black Lives Matter and the Antifa, and now they are cucking even for sodomites and the LGBT agenda.

Knock, Knock, Knoxville

The dreary mid-March morning lined the sky with gray clouds as our small caravan headed down the interstate and into the center of Knoxville at the break of dawn. We really didn't know what to expect, but at this early hour there were few people, few cops, and no Antifa. So whatever did happen would only be a reaction to our intendedly peaceful presence. Here the League of the South would try something a little different, and would hold a small demonstration with no prior announcement, no permits, and hopefully no overwhelming or oppressive police reaction. Doing this, we hoped to actually interface with the general public and pass out some of our literature. This is, after all, the purpose for that right to assemble which is supposedly guaranteed in the united States' Constitution.

The League of the South in Tallahassee, January 27th 2018

We probably took fewer pictures at Tallahassee than anywhere else. Melissa didn't take any because she was too busy holding that flag. We need Melissa to take pictures, so next time I might hold the sign and the flag if I must... The few pictures I did take - most of them anyway - are found at our image gallery under Tallahassee 2018

The League of the South had held a few events since Shelbyville, perhaps a social occasion or two and some participation in a few smaller demonstrations, but nothing major and nothing that we had the opportunity for which to participate. So for several weeks we looked forward to the planned Florida State Sovereignty rally in Tallahassee. Even better, this one was so close to home that we only had to visit a gas station once all weekend.

Charlottesville: The March to Lee Park as seen from the middle of the Column

This is a video of the march from a Charlottesville parking garage to Lee Park by various members of the League of the South, the Traditional Workers' Party, the National Socialist Movement, Identity Europa and other groups which sought to attend the recent #UnitetheRight rally.

We were not on the front lines, but back in the middle of the column, and from there my wife Melissa recorded this video. Aside from some of the mundane locker-room style rhetoric which is common among Nationalists attending such events, you may notice that there was little to no aggression on our part, and that we were relatively quite calm and peaceful. Of course, this is absolutely contrary to reports slandering all of us which have been running continually in the mainstream media.

There may have been some violence at the vanguard of our procession, but we were even oblivious to that. We only found out later that Marxist groups tried to block our passage into the park, and for that some minor scuffles ensued. Evidently even the men in front of us had conducted themselves with great restraint, because that initial violence did not escalate, and we entered into the park peacefully. Our opposition, however, continually taunted us with verbal abuse and provocations, and were anything but peaceful. They alone were responsible for the initial violence, and for all of the later violence.

When the Confederacy was Honored Even by the U. S. Government

The public opinion of the South was not always so evil. The United States Federal Government minted a memorial coin, a silver half dollar, in honor of Stone Mountain and the bravery of the soldiers of the South - in 1925! It was even struck at the Yankee mint in Philadelphia.

United States Confederate Soldier Memorial Coin - Front

United States Confederate Soldier Memorial Coin - Rear

See the article for the Stone Mountain Memorial Half Dollar at Wikipedia.


After the Monuments: Louisiana Caving in Defense of Confederate Heritage

Even though a bill to defend Louisiana’s Confederate heritage had passed the State’s Legislature in mid-May by a margin of over 2-to-1, it has not been advanced by the Senate, and the governor has been heard whining about it. The Associated Press has reported that “Gov. John Bel Edwards derided a bill that could protect Confederate monuments, calling the proposal impractical and unnecessarily divisive on Tuesday, a day after black lawmakers stormed off the Louisiana House floor in protest over a Republican's plan.”