Charlottesville: The March to Lee Park as seen from the middle of the Column

This is a video of the march from a Charlottesville parking garage to Lee Park by various members of the League of the South, the Traditional Workers' Party, the National Socialist Movement, Identity Europa and other groups which sought to attend the recent #UnitetheRight rally.

We were not on the front lines, but back in the middle of the column, and from there my wife Melissa recorded this video. Aside from some of the mundane locker-room style rhetoric which is common among Nationalists attending such events, you may notice that there was little to no aggression on our part, and that we were relatively quite calm and peaceful. Of course, this is absolutely contrary to reports slandering all of us which have been running continually in the mainstream media.

There may have been some violence at the vanguard of our procession, but we were even oblivious to that. We only found out later that Marxist groups tried to block our passage into the park, and for that some minor scuffles ensued. Evidently even the men in front of us had conducted themselves with great restraint, because that initial violence did not escalate, and we entered into the park peacefully. Our opposition, however, continually taunted us with verbal abuse and provocations, and were anything but peaceful. They alone were responsible for the initial violence, and for all of the later violence.