John H. Van Evrie - Negroes and Negro "Slavery”
John H. Van Evrie, who lived from1814 to 1896, was an American medical doctor, and the editor and proprietor of a publication called the Weekly Day Book, a Democratic newspaper, and a son of the founder of Rochester, a city on Lake Ontario, in New York State. He also published several book on race relations and the character of the negro, for which he used his own publishing company, Van Evrie, Horton & Company. His conclusions concerning the negro led him to become a defender of the institution of slavery, and a defender of the cause of the Old South. He is slandered by mainstream sources today even in spite of the fact that many of his conclusions have been proven by the events of history subsequent to the War Between the States.
Here is the Preface to his book Negroes and Negro "Slavery:” The First an Inferior Race: The Latter its Normal Condition, which was published in its second edition in 1861. See the PDF below for the full book: